Following the shenanigans of the England rugby world cup squad out in New Zealand I began to wonder why such a focus is set upon sporting athletes to set a good role model, when musicians tend to be able to behave in whatever manner they see fit. Are musicians on tour not also representing their country, in a similar vein to that of a sports star? Either way it is not difficult to see how/why it's easy for these 'stars' to go 'off the track'.
Both have lots of money thrown at them, often from a young age, and with money no object, they will inevitably find lots to spend it on. Namely a lawyer if your name is Ashley Cole.
Left: Mick Jagger at the government's pleasure in America.
Musicians are the traditional rebels, right back to the days of Elvis, so maybe this is why it is never a 'disgrace' or 'shock' when they wind up arrested abroad, and they can hide behind the name of their band, rather than the team of England. Either way, these clubs or bands need guidance. Yes they have managers, yet there are often an awful lot of these 'money people' to manage.
However, we cannot be too quick to judge. Mr Tindall may have just been helping that young blonde women to find her drink.
At least there has been a victory for the people over the powerhouse corporation. Karen Murphy's victory over Sky means that pubs will be able to show Tindall and co. at a cheaper price via a Greek decoder.
If the government had sense then they would support pub owners purchasing Greek decoders. It would allow pubs to stay open rather than close, due to being able to attract customers, and not pay the pub Sky package, which is a cause of many pubs closing. This would get people back in the pubs, putting more money into the economy as well as getting rid of the Greek debt, as a huge influx in satellite decoders are ordered. Economic crisis solved by saving the pubs. And we get to watch Thatcher-ite Rupert Murdoch suffer even further. Everybody wins. Except Sky and Murdoch.
The huge order of Satellite decoders puts a smile back in Greece!